Side Lunges

Side Lunges , also known as lateral lunges, are a fantastic exercise for training the inner and outer thighs , as well as the glutes . The exercise is a great way to improve both strength and flexibility in the hip area and gives you better balance and body control. Unlike regular lunges that focus on forward and backward movement, side lunges target lateral muscle groups, which are often overlooked.

Correct Technique for Side Lunges

Follow these steps to perform a correct side lunge:

  1. Starting position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and have your core tightened for stability.
  2. Step to the side: Take a big step out to the side with one foot. Keep the other foot flat on the ground.
  3. Bend the knee: Bend the knee of the foot you move out to the side, and lower your hips back. The other leg should be stretched with the foot on the ground.
  4. Posture: Keep your chest up and your back straight as you lower into the lunge.
  5. Back to start: Push off with the foot you stepped out with and return to the starting position.

Watch a video demonstrating proper technique for Side Lunges :

Common Mistakes in Side Lunges

To perform Side Lunges correctly and avoid injury, you should watch out for these common mistakes:

  • The knee extends over the toes: Avoid letting the knee of the bent leg extend too far forward. The knee should be in line with the foot.
  • Lack of hip engagement: Make sure you push your hips back as you lower, rather than leaning forward.
  • Imbalance: Make sure your weight is evenly distributed and that you keep both feet planted on the ground to ensure balance and stability.

Modifications and Variations

Side Lunges can be adapted to different training levels with these modifications:

  • Beginner modification: Start with small steps to the side and bend less at the knee. Increase the depth as you get stronger.
  • Weighted Side Lunge: Hold dumbbells in your hands for extra resistance and increased strength training.
  • Side Lunge with Jumps: For a more explosive variation, you can add a jump as you return to the starting position after each rep.

Here's a video showing another approach to Side Lunges :

Number of Reps and Sets

Here are some recommended reps and sets for Side Lunges:

  • Beginners: Start with 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions per side.
  • Experienced: Increase to 3 sets of 12-15 reps per side, and add weights for extra challenge.

Breathing technique

Correct breathing technique helps you stay in control during the exercise:

  • Inhale: When you rise to the side and lower your body.
  • Exhale: When you push yourself back to a standing position.
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