Sovende Pigeon Pose

Sleeping Pigeon Pose, also known as Supta Kapotasana , is a restorative yoga pose that provides a deep stretch in the hips, glutes and lower back. This pose helps release tension in the hip area and has a calming effect on both body and mind, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced yoga practitioners.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Sleeping Pigeon Pose correctly:

  1. Start in Pigeon Pose , where one knee is bent in front of you, and the other leg is stretched straight back.
  2. Slowly lower your upper body forward and rest your forehead on the mat or on your hands.
  3. Keep your hips square to the floor, and let your arms rest in front of you or at your sides.
  4. Breathe deeply and hold the position for 1-3 minutes before switching sides.

Common Errors

  • Uneven hip position: Make sure the hips don't rotate too much to the side. Keep them parallel to the floor for a deeper and safer stretch.
  • Tense shoulders: Relax your shoulders and let your upper body sink deep into the stretch.
  • For quick forward bends: Go into the position slowly, giving your body time to adjust, especially if your hips are tight.

Modifications and Variations

To adapt the Sleeping Pigeon Pose to your level, try the following modifications:

  • Use of a bolster: If it is difficult to bend fully forward, you can place a bolster under the chest for extra support.
  • Block under hips: For better hip alignment, place a block under the hip of the bent leg.
  • Alternate variation: Perform a supine version of Pigeon Pose by lying on your back and pulling your bent knee toward your chest.

Repetitions and Sets

Hold the position for 1-3 minutes on each side. Repeat 2-3 times to dip into the stretch and release tension in the hip and lower back area.

Breathing techniques

Breathe deeply through your nose as you deepen the stretch. Use inhalation to lengthen the spine and exhalation to release tension in the hips.

Video Demonstrations

Here are two videos showing the correct execution of Sleeping Pigeon Pose:

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